Jo Gaisford of Kent Social Care Professionals outlines her top tips for making successful applications for jobs in social care and nursing homes.
Are there any elements a qualified social worker MUST have in their CV in order to make the most of their job application?
Qualifications! When they qualified and most importantly the experience they have in relation to the Teams they have worked in or where their placements were if they are newly qualified.

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Search JobsIf you could banish forever the worst shortcoming you've seen in CVs, what would it be?
Back to front CVs!! We are forever having to change CVs around putting the most recent job first!!
Most CVs come through with their education and first job at the top of the CV when the reality is who ever reads the CV wants to know what the current role of the job seeker is.
In job seeking there's an unsaid etiquette. But it's sometimes ignored. What would you advise our jobseekers DON'T do during their job hunting?
Send their CV out to every Agency/job board!
As sadly what happens is that some recruiters send the CV out to their clients before even speaking to their candidates. Clients have told me that sometimes they have received the same CV 5 times!!
It then makes the recruiter look unprofessional and the job hunter look desperate even when in fact they are not!

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CommentWhat can candidates do to increase their chances of finding employment?
Write a good CV – check spelling!!! Be specific in their search.
Make a good, lasting impression at first interview – make themselves stand out.
What specific skills do you look for in a home manager, and do you expect them to have an RMA or NVQ 4?
Most clients of mine expect Managers to hold a Management qualification. In respect of skills, good, solid experience is essential. Exceptional Leadership skills are key; as is business acumen.

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ContributeWhat would you say are the hardest roles for you to fill at the moment?
(In terms of either skill or location)Nursing Home Management roles are always more difficult to fill, no matter what location.
Would you say that the economic climate has made jobseekers more cautious? And what are the implications of this?
More employees are staying in their current roles at this present time while they wait to see what is happening within Health and Social Care.
This means that there is less turnover meaning less jobs available.
Although we are getting lots of new services that are opening up requiring complete staffing of the home, so I guess I am contradicting myself slightly!!
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Our guest writers at inform you of their own experiences of working in social care, offer their expertise of the industry, and talk about current affairs and issues within social care. Their roles vary from Support Workers, to Dementia Carers to Probation Officers and anything in between, but they all share the same passion and dedication to social care - thats why they take time out of their hectic lives to write for you.
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